Maserati- Pyramid of the Sun
Genre: Post-rock/Psychedelic/Instrumental
November 2010
What set they rep? Athens, Georgia
1. Who Can Find the Beast?
2. Pyramid of the Sun
3. We Got the System to Fight the System
4. They’ll No More Suffer From Thirst
5. Ruins
6. They’ll No More Suffer From Hunger
7. Oaxaca
8. Bye M’Friend, Goodbye
(download via mediafire)
What up smurfs? Shablaman‘s here to supply a bit of decent exposure to some recent tunes i’ve been into. Maserati just dropped their new full length entitled Pyramid of the Sun a few weeks ago. i’m still regularly heading back to float along in the dark and strange tripped-out dance world i’ve stumbled upon via these dudes’ music. These guys can lay on one of their groove-filled tribal rhythms for multiple minutes without losing its pizzazz- ya know? Maserati crafts their sound to come out with an interesting blend of post-rock mixed up with dancy- wait what? Uh… Microsoft Word claims that “dancy” isn’t a word as well as “dancey”, i never really questioned whether it was an actual word, weird. Anyway the string of adjectives i was about to say included dancy, heavy, psychedelic and at times hypnotic. Basically it’s upbeat, experimental post-rock without the usual obligatory and at times bullshit convoluted 3-5 (20 for GY!BE) minute filler section. That kinda stuff like this that gets you way way waaaay out there, definitely.
i randomly saw them play a free show at a college campus about a year back and was pleased with an up and front row view to experience a good old fashioned musical entrancement. i remember one of the two effect pedal-wielding guitarists played the main rhythm riff throughout “Another Brick in the Wall Pt.1” by that one band during sound check, uh, Pink Floyd, yea I think that’s their name, they’re one of my favorites, for sure. Some middle-aged goon, likely with an itchy ass at the time, scoffed like a douche before he took a sip from his Bud, all “you can’t play that because the original is perfect” about it. Dude was a dick. They didn’t play the song anyway, and then proceeded to make me want to go balls out tribal on the place with all those chugging war drum beats, so it was all good other than it made me aware of that dude and his dick-ish tendencies.
On a more horribly tragic note, only about a month after that show drummer Jerry Fuchs, who also played in !!!, died at the age of 34 (ugh) by an accident that ended with him falling down an elevator shaft (ugh) at a charity event (ugh). Made in honor of their fallen comrade, complete with an appropriate farewell with the closing track, “Bye M’Friend, Goodbye”, i dig Pyramid of the Sun like that of a dog. Some great stuff that you can equally enjoy bouncing around bustin’ moves to just the same as vegging out on a couch watching the SciFi channel on mute.
Time to be out
Shablaman Shablaca
Jerry Fuchs
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